Do I Have TMJ? Common Signs & Symptoms

Do I Have TMJ? Common Signs & Symptoms


TMJ, or temporomandibular joint syndrome, can result in pain that interferes with patients’ quality of life. Jaw and facial pain are common signs of this disorder. However, some TMJ symptoms may be harder to pinpoint, …

What Are Common Symptoms of TMJ? 

What Are Common Symptoms of TMJ? 


TMJ is the abbreviation for the temporomandibular joint, the place where the lower jaw connects to the skull. Problems can occur with this joint that are referred to as TMJ disorder. It is a common …

What Are The Causes of TMJ?

What Are The Causes of TMJ?


TMJ, or temporomandibular joint syndrome, is a painful yet common condition affecting many oral surgery patients. The exact source of TMJ pain may be difficult to pinpoint, but some possible causes include jaw injury, arthritis, …

8 Signs that You May Have TMJ

8 Signs that You May Have TMJ


TMJ disorder is a condition affecting the jaw. TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint, the place where your lower jaw connects to your skull. You have two of these joints, one on each side of …

Can You Permanently Cure TMJ Pain?

Can You Permanently Cure TMJ Pain?


TMJ pain mostly occurs in the jaw. The temporomandibular joints, TMJ for short, are the two joints on each side of the head where the lower jaw connects to the skull. TMJ disorder occurs when …

What Are The Symptoms of TMJ Disorders?

What Are The Symptoms of TMJ Disorders?


TMJ disorder is a common condition affecting the temporomandibular joint where your lower jaw attaches to your skull. It is mainly characterized by pain and limited movement of the jaw, among other symptoms. If you …

girl pressing side of head where TMJ is located

What Happens if TMJ is Left Untreated?


Have you experienced jaw pain, or are you having any difficulties opening and closing your mouth? Are you feeling any pain from your jaw, mouth, teeth, face, or shoulders? If you answered yes to any …